School and Home Gardening in Mahatinikhola
Micronutrient deficiencies, often linked to malnutrition, significantly contribute to poor health outcomes globally. These deficiencies, affecting key nutrients, impair both physical and mental development, leading to losses in human productivity and potential. Moreover, they increase vulnerability to diseases or worsen their severity. In remote and rural areas, the prevalence of undernutrition is exacerbated by factors such as limited dietary diversity, poor food quality, and household food insecurity, often stemming from poverty.
The Mahatinikhola community faces significant challenges related to limited access to proper food supplies, primarily due to inadequate market connectivity. Additionally, there is a lack of awareness about nutritious food, healthy eating habits, and clear guidelines on sourcing fresh, nutrient-dense foods. These factors, compounded by poor hygiene and sanitation practices, as well as inadequate and contaminated water sources, contribute to the prevalence of unhealthy living conditions in the area.
The project is designed to support the community in overcoming existing challenges and foster development through healthier and more sustainable practices.
Specific Objectives
The initiative aims to produce fresh, organic, and high-quality food in nutritionally meaningful quantities, enhancing knowledge about nutritious food for healthy living. It also focuses on improving health and sanitation, particularly through women empowerment, by providing education and resources that foster better community health practices. Supporting school children is another key aspect, ensuring they have access to the resources and environments conducive to learning, while also working to develop and renovate school infrastructure to create a safe, functional, and resource-rich space for education.
Project Activities
A. School & Home Gardening
1. Awareness program on school and home gardening
2. Awareness program on climate change, health and sanitation
3. Awareness program on malnutrition
4. Awareness program women and girl health
5. Training on school and home gardening
6. Training on First Aid
7. Community health camp
8. Health check up camp in the school
9. Women empowerment camp
B. Improving Health and Sanitation
1. Personal hygiene and safe extra disposal
2. Drinking water purification and sanitation
3. Workshop on women heath improvement
4. Outreach to families in the community
C. School Infrastructure Development
1. Construction of a child-friendly school kitchen